NFAR Men's Group - March

  • 03 March 2020

March Meeting

Thursday, Mar. 12, 2020


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
**Filippi's Pizza Grotto
5353 Kearny Villa Rd
San Diego, CA 92123

Dinner: Pizza, Salad.
Dinner is provided

The Men’s Group is for dads, step dads, and granddads helping to raise a child with autism. We offer dinner, guest speakers and a chance to network with other men in a relaxed setting.

March Topic: "How to Build Self-Esteem and Confidence in Individuals with Autism"

Learn about the method to build self-esteem and confidence and its application in various settings such as at home or in the classroom. Our guest speakers will help parents learn tips for fostering an environment that will support a confident, content, and thriving individual. Parents will learn to recognize the common triggers including difficulty in communication that can lead to a downward spiral into depression. We will explore the cascading effects of low self-esteem and confidence on general well-being and how it creates a lack of motivation and initiation. We will cover the most effective strategies using Visual Communication Analysis (VCA) to build self-esteem and prevent psychological ill-being (e.g. low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, etc.). There will be a Q&A at the end to help tackle tricky situations.

Guest Speakers: Dalia Shkedy - Executive Director, Gary Shkedy - Director of Research and Dr. Aileen Sandoval - Clinical Director of Alternative Teaching Strategy Center

Alternative Teaching Strategy Center is a non-profit dedicated to providing services to families with children and adults with autism and other cognitive and learning disabilities.  The team has extensively published papers on autism and has presented these techniques at international conferences in Hawaii, Amsterdam and San Diego. Dr. Sandoval is an Assistant Professor of Neuro-Psychology at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and an Adjunct Professor of Neuro-Psychology at Point Loma Nazarene University.  To learn more about Alternative Teaching Strategy Center.